The Story
Kagome is a Japanese girl like many others who has a very particular family. Her home is an old shinoist temple and her grandfather, besides being very eccentric, appears to be a screw-ball: all he does is talk about demons and ancient traditions or strange elves that exist only in ghost stories. So all that her grandfather tells her goes in one ear and out the other... Kagome doesn't imagine how useful her grandfather's advice will be to her! If only she'd remember them at the right moment!  Fate wants that her cat Buyo hides in a small temple built around an old well and Kagome goes there with her little brother Sota to look for her. Right in front of the incredulous boy's eyes, Kagome is attacked from behind by Mukadejoro, a monster with the body of a centipede and the make-up face of a prostitute, who makes her fall into the well while incessantly demanding the Shikon no Tama... After managing to free herself of the monster, Kagome manages to resurface but once outsides finds herself in the middle of a forest.  Alarmed, she rushes to look for her family and comes across a strange boy with dog ears who is nailed to a tree: it's the same demon who had burned down a village 50 years ago.  Seen prying about the tree, the girl is taken prisoner by the villagers and taken before the priestess Kaede <others.htm> who looking at her recognizes her as her sister Kikyo and frees her. Kagome finds out she's gone back in time during Feudalism and unexplainably persecuted by demons who attack the village.  Aware of the constant danger and forced to defend herself in some way, she frees from seal which kept him tied to the tree the feared InuYasha <inuyasha.htm>, demon dog, who after having saved her from the centipede reveals the same interest in the jewel possessed by the girl.  Kaeda will calm his fury by throwing around his neck a rosary and telling Kagome to say a magical word to subdue him: comically from the girl's mouth a word comes out "SIT!". From now on, his actions will be binded by this spell.  Peace returned, the old priestess tells Kagome of the Shikon (it seems that this little ball can bestow enormous power to any demon.)and of her dead sister, telling her that she's the reincarnation of Kikyo: the proof is the fact that the jewel was inside of her.  So the poor girl will be worshipped by the villagers and "hated" by InuYasha who really can't stand to be in the company of the sosia of who previously had defeated him.  To complicate matters more is the appearance of another monster, Shibugarasu a demon crow who lives inside human's body. During the battle the Shikon shatters and our friends managed to get ahold of only one piece so that Kaede will impose them to cooperate and find the other pieces before the irreparable happens. But Kagome's only thoughts are to go back home...